Creativity Extends to our Corporate Partners

Our reflection on the many ways partners can support the work of Arts of Life artists would not be complete without a shout out to the many companies that find creative ways to make direct financial contributions to our studios. As always, this is not a one size fits all opportunity.

The Mitchell Group has been steadfastly providing regular support through event sponsorships year after year. They have helped to make many a Chili Cook-off and Unbridled Art Party a great success.

According to Ann Brunett, Executive Vice President of The Mitchell Group, "Mitchell supports Arts of Life because while the organization constantly extends its reach and tests the boundaries of creative collaboration, it never seems to stray from its core mission to provide artists with intellectual and developmental disabilities a collective space to expand their practice and strengthen their leadership. In the end, it's all about the artists, and we at Mitchell remain in awe of their diverse talents."

Seyfarth Shaw LLC combines generous in-kind legal services along with a generous annual sponsorship. We would not be where we are today without the skilled assistance of the Seyfarth Shaw pro-bono team helping us year after year with employment policy review and advice. This combined with the financial support help our nonprofit to function effectively.

Other partners like Flowers for Dreams and Empty Bottle have incorporated Arts of Life into their business model by contributing a percentage of sales for a set period of time to support our work. These partnerships help to raise funds and raise awareness in their community about Arts of Life.

Flowers for Dreams logo     

No matter the approach, all of our corporate partners directly impact the creative practices and professional development of our artists.

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This is the fourth in a series of quarterly shout outs to our partners of all levels. Stay tuned for more updates throughout the year.

We invite other corporations and individuals to partner with us through in-kind support. Reach out and let's talk

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