Remembering Bob Fisher

Betty, Bob, and Denise Fisher at the 2001 Arts of Life Auction
Betty, Bob, and Denise Fisher at the 2001 Arts of Life Auction

With the heaviest of hearts, I share that my dad, Bob Fisher, passed peacefully in his home on September 6, 2022. When recounting the Arts of Life origin story, I have often said that we wouldn’t be here without my friendship with our founding artist Ronnie. I don’t share as often how important my parents were to the studio’s opening.

Arts of Life wouldn’t be here without their belief in me and the importance of our work.

As a young professional, I remember talking to my parents about opening my own program. There may have been a “safer” professional path, but I knew I couldn’t continue to work for larger or more established agencies. They weren’t taking people with disabilities seriously enough and I couldn’t change their philosophies. My mom worked as an aide in special ed classroom for her entire career, so my parents already were well aware of how the floor dropped from under people with intellectual and developmental disabilities upon graduation. My parents were a sounding board as I shared my personal and professional priorities – the seeds of what would eventually become our core values. 

But my parents didn’t just lend an ear. They contributed the needed start-up loan to launch the amazing community we have today and their generosity didn’t stop there. Dad gave his time and resources to support Arts of Life any way he could. Some of you will remember them being around a week or two before our annual auction. He would do anything that was needed – painting the walls and floors, framing work, fixing toilets, or hosting a BBQ for our volunteers.

Dad was very proud of the studios and continued to share our mission and work until the end. I am very grateful for what he gave us and his belief in me. I know our community will continue to reflect his values and honor the pieces of Arts of Life that are part of his legacy.

– Denise Fisher, Executive Director


Kris Schenkel | Beware of the Man Eating Fish, 2013

A piece from Bob Fisher’s collection: Kris Schenkel | Beware of the Man Eating Fish, 2013

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