Meet Van Go Go: Hector “Sketch” Jones

(Above: Hector “Sketch” Jones” sings a cool harmony with bandmate Nikole Heusman at the Arts of Life’s 2013 WInter Spectacular)”Being in the band, I get to write my own material and I get to showcase my talents. Like my rapping. They call me Sketch-o-matic. I like playing the drums, too, because I get to put different rhythms down for our songs with Nikki. It’s fun because with the band I get to help put all the different ideas together. Kind of like a puzzle.We just want people to hear our music, so people can find out what else we do besides art. We aren’t doing cover songs. It’s stuff that we wrote. It’s a unique sound. I write for the people. I’m trying to write about life situations. I just want people to hear about my life and stuff like that. Because if they don’t hear about it, they aren’t gonna know. It’s somewhat of a relationship ring around my life. So people know the way I am. Some people don’t understand the way I am. And writing music releases that tension, I try to focus on doing that. It makes me feel good when I have something to write about.”-Hector “Sketch” Jones To learn more about Hector and all things Van Go Go, please visit our facebook page here.

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